It was a long day, trip starts at seven o'clock, road trip to Geneva Airport. Small stop and planes change in Amsterdam before arriving at Helsinki-Vantaa in late afternoon. It was finally time for the long-awaited meeting with my good friend Helena, Finn. After about thirty more minutes in a bus we arrived center Helsinki to go to the hotel deposit our luggage.
Stroll downtown before finding a little restaurant for dinner; then our little trip to the cinema to see Eclipse. About three hours later we leave the cinema, it's eleven p.m. but it's broad daylight. Though I knew that fact before getting here it is still surprising to see daylight during the night. The brightness helping we had another stroll around town during which Helena showed me some of the important buildings.

Back to the hotel around midnight for one of the girl chats that only we have the secret and that never really ends; ours stops around 3a.m.; it is still daylight outside ...
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